Home is A2

Meet The Annexe


Chuck Chart

Mo Fo Photo's


Camping Trip

Floor Crawls

The Ball

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Welcome to the Annexe 2 web site
The greatest place in Menzies college, gets a crappy homepage.
Site Updates
Welcome to the annexe known as Deep Throat, the horniest place in Menzies!!!

Be sure to go to the links page and check out the neXus 2-45 site!

T-Shirts are on there way!!!!!!!!!
but apparently the chick making them died (fucking lazy bitch -Dave)

The chuck chart is done, but being such a good looking bunch we keep picking up (each other at the moment), so it keeps changing. Being a lazy bastard i can't be bothered keeping it up to date, so i'll fix it and put it up during the break.

The rest of the photos will also go up then, as i will finally have access to a scanner.

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