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I think this is all, email me if it isn't.

The Hysterical A2
Cheah your room looked cleaner when i was looking through the window -Stacey M

Garlic makes me smell hungry -Dave

Can we get a mirror outside the kitchen, so we can see who is coming in case we are bitching about them. -Elise

I think i have a slow brain disease. -Louise

I get wet when i do the dishes. -Anna

I don't get sleepy when I'm hot, I only get sleepy when I'm tired. -Elise

I just stood on something... oh my god what's that?... oh, it's a tampon. -Matt

'Scuse the nipples. -Rachel

I had some CFM boots on, but then i got some so i took them off. -Elise

Oh gosh you have a shiny pussy. -Matt

I didn't start off being a lesbian. -Anna

Do you boys want a guided tour of my underwear? -Anna

Open the flaps, put it in, whirl it around, and out it comes. -Stacey M

Are you married to your father yet? -Elise

Is a cat's bum sour? -Louise

She's a hard marker, I hope she's bi. -Stacey K

I'm not ticklish from touch;... well fingers. -Stacey M

The pink pussy fucked me. -Stacey M

10 minutes... How long is that? -Louise

Can you feel him vibrating between us? -Stacey M
Yes -Louise

I am the fat ugly chick -Dave

I like dick cheese -Dave (as heard by Anna)

Chris and i have a special dildo -Dave(as heard by Anna)

Email me with any others